Hello beautiful, the time is upon us to challenge ourselves once again to 12 days of prayer for our spouses, children and ourselves. While the original inspiration behind this challenge was to pray for our husbands, we’ve gradually expanded our prayers to reach our children. You may say, “we fight all the time, we argueContinue reading “BEAUTIFUL WIFE PRAYER CHALLENGE”

Strength of “Friend-ships”

Some friendships don’t last for long, but there is one loving friend who is joined to your heart closer than any other! Proverbs 18:24 TPT As an introvert who also happen to have a dominant melancholy temperament, building a friendship is one that I just don’t begin without thinking it through. And if you ask me why,Continue reading “Strength of “Friend-ships””

#FromScriptures – Beautiful Life Lessons (2 Kings 4:1-7)

This story is one that I am so sure, we have read plenty of times 1 One day the wife of a man from the guild of prophets called out to Elisha, “Your servant my husband is dead. You well know what a good man he was, devoted to God. And now the man to whom heContinue reading “#FromScriptures – Beautiful Life Lessons (2 Kings 4:1-7)”

As a Mom, it’s okay to make your own rules and follow them.

Do you know that look people give you when you tell them you haven’t done something that almost everyone has? Uhmmm…Yes!!! That one! I usually get those looks when ever I say my children don’t eat candy or don’t eat noodles. Or that I haven’t use seasoning cubes to cook in almost 8 years. OrContinue reading “As a Mom, it’s okay to make your own rules and follow them.”

When tempted/tried by another Christian believer.

Hello beautiful. It’s been a long time I posted here. Sometime ago I posted on my Instagram account that “One of the true tests of a Christian believer’s faith is when he/she is ‘tried’ by another Christian believer.” I said I was going to do a video but after several recordings and ending up deletingContinue reading “When tempted/tried by another Christian believer.”

Caesarean Section Birth Awareness 2019

Hi Beautiful, it’s the time of the year when we create an awareness on the caesarean section method of birth. While we have been aggressively campaigning on social media, it is important that we understand why. The misconstrued interpretation of the vaginal birth being the “Hebrew Woman” kind of Birth has kept so many in theContinue reading “Caesarean Section Birth Awareness 2019”

3 Ways to stay ”BEAUTIFUL” in 2019

This is my first post here this year. Hence, I am allowed to say a happy new year to you all my beautiful people. This year, I have been up to reading books, engaging with the Word and God, spending time with my family and getting more education. While I am at this, I intendContinue reading “3 Ways to stay ”BEAUTIFUL” in 2019”