Listening to music for some are out of habit or for workout and for some are a way to relax, be inspire or be uplifted. The result also varies but the commonest reaction to music is joy and happiness or a break into dancing. For me, it’s a mix of all. I grew up listening to music. From Dad playing a lot of Don Moen to Mom singing for us and my Uncle playing his “Amonotete mabo.” (I’m sure the yoruba people will crucify me but hey, I am just an Ijaw-Apoi girl who can’t speak yoruba) In all of this, I was quite choosy about the music I heard.

Fast forward to school of architecture where music is defined as liquid architecture. There was virtually no studio in school that had students working in them without music on. Except when we were studying for courses other than design. Now the genre of music that worked for me during those nights and days of design and drawings was Jazz. To be specific – Yanni’s songs.

At night, to relax and fall asleep, I resulted to Gospel songs which carried within it’s lyrics great messages. These songs inspired me to pray and make commitments to God. Some other times, I found comfort for my aching hearts. School days for me were filled with rollercoasters of emotions and music seemed to be how I relaxed, got inspired or uplifted. My roommates got used to me sleeping with my music on.

Now circular songs with time beats are my go to for workouts that I need to do on a timed fashion. These are the only times I get to listen to circular songs and even at that, the lyrics must be like a story and not have curse or vulgar words.

As an Architect, I can confidently say, my best productive time is when I’m away in my design world with my ears blocked. The design for some reason flows and new ideas emerge. I work long hours and through the night easily once a music is playing right in my ears. I’m very sure, so many in my field can attest to this.

As a Christian writer, I find myself always lost in the presence of God when penning down my thoughts and meditations with music in the background.

As a Human being, I find the tears flowing uncontrollably most times when I listen to music as well. And other times, I find I go about the chores at home quickly and productively when I have on my music.

In all of these, I am very intentional about the kind of music I listen to because even when I am by myself, my subconscious will just start playing the music. lol. Most interestingly, I have toddlers who are quick to pick on things and even more songs they hear as they love to sing.

If you come to visit me and you must play music, it has to be kid friendly like “Baby Shark” or gospel music. I want my children dreaming and singing uplifting song in their dreams and glorifying God. Yes.

Even now as I write this down, I am accompanied by “My Roving Hearts by All Sons & Daughters (One Artist I’ve fallen in love with and their songs does all for me from relaxing to inspiring to uplifting to workouts to dancing and even to sobering) They are on iTunes if you’ll like to check them out.

So beautiful, what kind of music works for you? Does anything go?

Enjoy your weekend.

Blessings and Beauty.

Published by Phebe

Hello, I'm Phebe! (Pronounced "fee bee") My friends call me Phebs or Phebet! I wear many hats (Wife, Mom, Architect, Designer, Business owner and so on) and I try to blend them beautifully by God’s Grace.

2 thoughts on “THE POWER OF MUSIC

  1. Beautiful words from beautiful Life Corner, Weldone sis.The importance of music cannot be overemphazied, do you know sometimes when I don’t know what to pray or how to, I listen to music and get uplifted, encouraged and reassured. 

    Our children must grow to love soul inspiring songs too. Thanks for the link shared, I sure will check them out. Love to the daughters of Zion. Blessings all the way!!!❣️

    Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android


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